分享:Jordan Peterson对成熟的讨论
Jordan Peterson是多伦多大学的心理学教授、临床心理学家,同时也是前哈佛大学心理学系教授。他的主要研究领域包括异常心理、社会心理以及人格心理学。
The topic in maturity
The crocodile with the clock
Well,that's what happens when you get older.Time has already got a piece of you and eventually it's got a taste for you and eventually it's going to eat you.
Apprentice mentality
You can either choose your dame limitation, or you can let it take you unware when you're 30, or even worse when you 40. This is more and more common in our culture, because people can put off maturity without suffering an immediate penalty.But all that happens is the penalty accrues(累加), and then when it finally hits it just wallops(痛打;猛击) you.
Once you pass through that narrow training period, which narrows you and constricts you and develops you at the same time, then you can come out the other end with a bunch of new possiblity at hand.
Jung(荣格): the proper path of development in the last half of life was to rediscover he child that you left behind as you were apprenticing.
Why thats comes in terms of culture we live in ?
University rob your future self while allowing you to pretend that you have an identity.
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